notes I’m actively working on
Last modified on May 31, 2022
Mentally bookmarking these pages – think there is some interesting “sauce” to be gotten from each of these.
notes I’m actively working on (hah, recursive)
code comments
📚 book notes
🔲 Conway’s Game of Life
🧐 philosophy
rules of thumb
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) works well for code, not people.
blog posts
🟪🟦🟩 Life is a Picture, But You Live in a Pixel — Wait But Why
Links to “notes I’m actively working on”
Want to have a “now” page (similar to other personal websites)
How I made this website
🚧 TODO 🚧 This is a note I’m actively working on.
[ ]
org-mode description, setup[ ]
dark mode…[ ]
org-publish setup[ ]
local development setup (org-publish on save,live-server
, etc.)[ ]
Hovercards w/ Tippy.js[ ]
Quotebacks[ ]
Zotero (+ Safari extension,)org-cite
, etc.[ ]
my advice if you want to make a system like this? Start simple and workable, and then unfold to something more complex.
(I guess some of this bleeds into my ⚡️ emacs config )
what is humor? things that are unexpected, but in a “humorous” way? Ok, that’s tautological. But still. definitely something that I want to think about, notes I’m actively working on.
As a kind of meta example, while I’m here writing this note in emacs, I found myself naturally laughing at the fact that org-mode interpets the +
signs in the encrypted PGP message in my org-journal files as a strikethrough, so parts of the PGP message are struck through. Even though strikethrough and org-crypt are both bona fide features of org, no one really noticed this little harmless, unintended interaction between the two (huh, there’s the connection to modularity!). Lmao.
Figure 1: Hey, if you figure out how to decrypt it, you can read what secrets I told to my journal today!
notes I’m actively working on
Mentally bookmarking these pages – think there is some interesting “sauce” to be gotten from each of these.
notes I’m actively working on (hah, recursive)
code comments
📚 book notes
🔲 Conway’s Game of Life
🧐 philosophy
rules of thumb
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) works well for code, not people.
blog posts
🟪🟦🟩 Life is a Picture, But You Live in a Pixel — Wait But Why
visual programming
How can we make powerful visual programming tools? (This is currently a stub, / notes I’m actively working on)