ketan agrawal

notes I’m actively working on
Last modified on May 31, 2022

Mentally bookmarking these pages – think there is some interesting “sauce” to be gotten from each of these.

notes I’m actively working on (hah, recursive)
code comments
📚 book notes
🔲 Conway’s Game of Life
🧐 philosophy
rules of thumb
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) works well for code, not people.
blog posts
🟪🟦🟩 Life is a Picture, But You Live in a Pixel — Wait But Why

Links to “notes I’m actively working on”


Want to have a “now” page (similar to other personal websites)

cc: notes I’m actively working on

How I made this website

🚧 TODO 🚧 This is a note I’m actively working on.

(I guess some of this bleeds into my ⚡️ emacs config )


what is humor? things that are unexpected, but in a “humorous” way? Ok, that’s tautological. But still. definitely something that I want to think about, notes I’m actively working on.

As a kind of meta example, while I’m here writing this note in emacs, I found myself naturally laughing at the fact that org-mode interpets the + signs in the encrypted PGP message in my org-journal files as a strikethrough, so parts of the PGP message are struck through. Even though strikethrough and org-crypt are both bona fide features of org, no one really noticed this little harmless, unintended interaction between the two (huh, there’s the connection to modularity!). Lmao.

screenshot of an encrypted journal file, displayed the aforementioned striking-out behavior within the PGP text. Hey, if you figure out how to decrypt it, you can read my journal file for the day!

Figure 1: Hey, if you figure out how to decrypt it, you can read what secrets I told to my journal today!

visual programming

How can we make powerful visual programming tools? (This is currently a stub, / notes I’m actively working on)