🔲 Conway’s Game of Life
Last modified on April 06, 2022
Using the great implementation of Conway’s Game of Life from https://pmav.eu/stuff/javascript-game-of-life-v3.1.1/.
Generation: 0 | Live cells: 0 | Step time: 0 / 0 (0 / 0) ms
Hint: hit the Play button!Links to “🔲 Conway’s Game of Life”
🧐 philosophy
The aim of philosophy, abstractly formulated, is to understand how things in the broadest possible sense of the term hang together in the broadest possible sense of the term.
– Wilfrid Sellars, “Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man”
Some things we can think about in a philosophical lens…
Do we have free will / agency? Are we just subservient to a deterministic universe? Or both??
Image: Gosper glider gun in conway’s game of life :-)
- How does the mind work? What do our mental representations of the outside world look like?
- mind-body
- science
- life philosophy
notes I’m actively working on
Mentally bookmarking these pages – think there is some interesting “sauce” to be gotten from each of these.
notes I’m actively working on (hah, recursive)
code comments
📚 book notes
🔲 Conway’s Game of Life
🧐 philosophy
rules of thumb
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) works well for code, not people.
blog posts
🟪🟦🟩 Life is a Picture, But You Live in a Pixel — Wait But Why