ketan agrawal

CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs
Last modified on March 02, 2022

(I dropped this class a few lectures in, so the notes are incomplete. Nonetheless, it contains some interesting connections with graphs/networks, so I leave it in my knowledge graph.)


Why Graphs?

Graphs are a general language for describing and analyzing entities with relationships/interactions. Many domains have a natural relational structure, that lends themselves to a graph representation:

  • Physical roads, bridges, tunnels connecting places. 🚗
  • Particles, based on their proximities. ⚛️
  • Animals in a food ecosystem. 🕸
  • Computer networks. 💻
  • Knowledge graphs, scene graphs, code graphs…

Distinction between Networks and Graphs

Networks = “natural graphs.” (social networks, electronic networks, genetic pathrways, brain connections)
Graphs = a mathematical object representing/modeling the underlying data.

(Sometimes this distinction is blurred.)

Today’s ML toolbox is good at processing grids (images) and sequences (speech/text.)

However, not everything is best represented as a sequence or grid.

Why is Graph Deep Learning hard?

  • arbitrary size, topological structure
  • no fixed node ordering, reference point
  • dynamic, multimodal


Representation learning

We can learn directly on graphs, rather than feature engineering.

General strategy: map nodes to d-dimensional embeddings such that similar nodes are embedded close together.

Applications of Graph ML

Different tasks we can do:

  • graph => prediction
  • => generate graph
  • graph => subgraph
  • node => prediction
  • edge => prediction
  • missing links
  • clustering
  • evolution

Node-level: AlphaFold

Nodes = amino acids, Edges = proximity between amino acids
Key idea: “spatial graph”

Edge-level: Recommender Systems

Nodes = users and items, edges = user-item interactions
Link prediction: Goal is to predict “missing” edges.

Edge-level: Drug Side Effects

Nodes = drugs, edges = side effects
Given a pair of drugs, predict adverse side effects.
Link prediction task.

Subgraph-level: Traffic Prediction

Graph-level: Drug Discovery

Nodes = atoms, edges = bonds
Predict promising molecules from a pool of condidates
Generate novel molecules with high “score”

Graph evolution: Physics Simulation

Nodes = particles, edges = interactions between particles

Graph Representations

A few different traditional graph representations we can use.

Adjacency matrix

Problem: real-world graphs are sparse. I.e., the adjancency matrix would be filled with zeros, a highly inefficient representation.

  1 2 3 4 5
1         X
2     X X X
3   X   X  
4   X X   X
5 X X   X  

Edge list

  • (2, 3)
  • (2, 4)
  • (3, 2)
  • (3, 4)
  • (4, 5)
  • (5, 2)
  • (5, 1)

Adjacency list

  • 1:
  • 2: 3, 4
  • 3: 2, 4
  • 4: 5
  • 5: 1, 2

More types of graphs

Self-edges: nodes that loop to themselves
Multigraph: allows multiple edges between the same two nodes


Strongly connected: path from each node to every other node
Weakly connected: strongly connected if we disregard edge directions

Traditional Graph ML Methods

Three major types of tasks: node-level prediction, link-level prediction, and graph-level prediction.
The traditional graph ML pipeline: design features for nodes/links/graphs, obtain said features

Node-level Features

Different ways to model centrality:

Node degree

node degree kv of the node v is the number of outgoing edges


Node centrality: how important is a given node to the structure of the network?

  • Eigenvector centrality

    A node v is important if surrounded by important neighboring nodes uN(v).

  • Betweenness centrality

    A node is important if it lies on many shortest paths between other nodes.
    cv=svt#( shortest paths betwen s and t that contain v)#( shortest paths between s and t)

  • Clustering coefficient

    How connected v’s neighboring nodes are:
    ev=\#(edges among neighboring nodes)(kv2)


Small subgraphs that describe the structure of a node neighborhood.

all graphlets of up to 5 nodes

Graphlets are rooted, connected, induced, non-isomorphic subgraphs.

Graphlet Degree Vector (GDV): a count vector of graphlets rooted at a given node.

Link-level Features

These can be used in link prediction tasks – i.e., whether two nodes should be connected / will be connected in the future.

Distance-based features

Use the shortest path length between two nodes.

Local neighborhood overlap

Capture how many neighboring nodes are shared by two nodes.

Common neighbors: |N(v1)N(v2)|
Jaccard coefficient: |N(v1)N(v2)||N(v1)N(v2)|
Adamic-Amar index: uN(v1)N(v2)1log(ku)

Global neighborhood overlap

Count the number of paths of all lengths between the two nodes.

Katz index matrix:

Graph-level Features

Goal: we want features that characterize the structure of an entire graph.

Kernel methods are widely-used for traditional graph-level prediction. The idea is to design kernels instead of feature vectors.

That is, we want some graph feature vector ϕ(G). Basically, bag-of-words for a graph, in that each node has some features, but the ordering / relation between nodes isn’t considered.

Graphlet Kernels

Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel